Pearl (Cockatiel)

Get to know Pearl

Pearl was hatched in April 2012 and is a proven female cinnamon Cockatiel. She’s the first bird I ever cared for and the one I learned the most from. I bought her from a pet store in 2013 as a parent-raised one-year-old who wasn’t very handleable or overly friendly. It took a long time to earn her trust with daily interaction from a distance and lots of patience so she could come and step up onto my hand when she was ready. Throughout the years I’ve been caring for her, she’s blossomed into this sweet, friendly, super well-trained bird that I love with all my heart. She even became a model for Avian Fashions junior-sized hoodies on their website! She’s the best mama bird, fashion model, and overall sweet little soul you could ever ask for and I’m so happy to be able to give her the first and only home she’ll ever have.